Sunday 16 August 2015

Pictures From An Exhibition

The Palace, with a good deal of sympathy from very many, has made its concern clear about the scale of the paparazzi chase on Prince George.  It has become unrelenting, excessive and not just a nuisance but a hazard in many respects.

Of course the photographers would not spend the time and effort on  this if they could not make money out of it.  So there is the question of who among the press and media is paying big money for these pictures and can they be restrained.

The child, who did not choose his parents or ancestry, needs to have some sort of normality in life and to grow up without this continuing circus around him.  But it is not just the photographers the Palace has to worry about.

Seen on Sky TV in the last few days is an advert' for the Ford C Max car, which does not need a key or such for opening doors or car boots etc.  It features a small child, who is learning to walk.

Above is the Ford C Max child and also Prince George.  Surely some resemblance?

1 comment:

  1. Little George has no chance of escaping the circus unless the circus itself collapses.

    I wonder if either child will ever drive a car or if their cars will drive themselves.
