Friday 29 August 2014

Carswell Clouts Cameron and Part Four

Clacton on Sea is a place where the air is notoriously fresh and there is a lot of it, especially when there is a winter wind whipping off the North Sea.  It may well be one reason why their local Tory Member of Parliament, Douglas Carswell, has decided that enough is enough and he is off join UKIP.

If, as distinguished scientists say, those nasty particles in the air in London do affect the brain thanks to all the diesel fuel being used now in the name of carbon control, think the workings of the mind of Boris Johnson, then he may well be more in tune with reality than most of Westminster.

As for the implications and what may happen is just a guessing game at the moment, there is not much to say, just to claim that my view that the confusions will get worse and not much, if anything, can be predicted may be right.

The major issue in this case is whether I played rugger against his father.  If he turned out for his hospital team when a medical student then there is a good chance.  Stranger things have happened.

But does concussion run in the family?

1 comment:

  1. "As for the implications and what may happen is just a guessing game at the moment"

    That's my view too. Carswell has complicated the situation so there is even less point trying to predict outcomes. Apart from the fun of it I suppose.
