Saturday, 18 February 2017

Wedding Daze

The institution of marriage is on the decline as recent generations make other arrangements they regard as more suited to their lifestyle. But we should not think it was all easy long ago.

The Find My Past website has picked out from Press Reports some choice specimens where things went wrong from day one.

Banns Blunder from the Hartlepool Daily Mail, 2 June 1936

 Bumbling Best Man from the Nottingham Evening Post, 28 May 1933

Extreme Safe Keeping from the Nottingham Evening Post 20 July 1904

 The Old Ball And Chain from the South Wales Daily News 8 July1895

 In It For The Long Stretch from the Western Daily Express 16 April 1930

 The Show Must Go On from the Merthyr Telegraph 21 February 1879

There must have been more, many more. The picture at the top is "Call To Arms" by Leighton.


  1. Ours went smoothly enough although there was a stabbing in the pub we stayed at overnight on our way to the honeymoon hotel. The following morning there was still blood on the steps. It was cheap though.

    1. We found The Wheatsheaf at Ludlow a decent place. On the Saturday night it was a bit noisy in the town centre but they did a very good breakfast.
