As voting dates come
closer so do the outpouring of proposed projects for public sector expenditure
rise inexorably. Some are smaller, some
are larger.
A large part of Eastbourne
Pier is destroyed by fire and like a flash of lightning comes the government
promise of £2 million to help restore it.
This is a Liberal Democrat held marginal seat, so is Cameron bidding for
him or for his Tory opponent?
This is petty cash
compared to some of the projects being proposed and as might be expected London
is the chief beneficiary of most of them, notably ones at the biggest
price. A current figure is £1.3 trillion,
yes a trillion, on a long shopping list.
The essential question asked is found not in the main media but in a more specialist
journal, The Engineer, by Stephen Harris, of not just how we can afford it but
why is there the concentration of this spending on London and why so little for
the provinces when there is great deal that might be done?
This is the economic
principle of opportunity cost, that is when choosing to do one thing, of
necessity you will not or cannot do another.
This involves balancing not just money, but perhaps benefit and for the
strict, returns on capital employed, repayment of debt and long term viability.
If recent experience is
any guide if that £1.3 trillion is just the estimated cost of construction etc.
then given the very high levels of finance and consultancy costs, never mind
projects running over budget, then that figure might just for starters. A reality check suggests probably over £3
Costs mean choices and while
the projects timetable is for 2050 Yves Smith in "Naked Capitalism"
suggests that by 2040 we will be facing a series of far harder choices that
also involve costs and huge capital expenditures arising from growing
populations and the demands they will make on resources.
We will have no option but
to face up to those choices because the prospects
are very serious indeed. Unluckily,
these and others are all ones that are not popular with the voters and that
governments prefer to avoid because of the inherent difficulties.
So while they are
promising fancy schemes that look good on paper and on maps and call them
"progress" in the real world they are already well behind the curve
on the need for more basic facilities and needs.
Quite when reality will
catch up with them all is not known.
Pessimists suggest soon, optimists perhaps a decade or two later. But both are well before the scenario for
Which major Western
country will be the first to suffer?
Opportunity cost is a real issue. We could be building power stations instead of windmills for example.