Thursday 8 November 2012

If You Thought It Was All Over......

There is not a lot for me to say today.  This is because a couple of posts made a very interesting coincidence.  The first is from the web, Rowans blog, from someone who has a great deal of experience in financial crime. 

This is a longer item but clearly written.  Basically, he is saying that the key police force for dealing with financial crime, that of the City of London (not to be confused with the Metropolitan Police) seems never to be in sight when it happens.  The implication is that they are in effect supportive of it.

The second is from Nicholas Shaxson, writer of the best selling book “Treasure Islands” which deals with tax havens with special reference to the City of London.  This deals with the same subject but wonders why so little is done.

The much wider context for this is that now the US Presidential election is over and The White House turns to deal with the economy, it may well be that the “Special Relationship” the UK claims to have had will be over.  President Obama may be having a Tea Party all of his own in kicking the City financial Brit’s out of America.

Meanwhile, whilst Cameron is trying to cope with Merkel, back in Brussels the EU High Command may be about to make The City of London the Target for Tonight.  This may be to protect the French and German banks from worsening contagion and the increasing risk of London destabilising Europe as it did Iceland and Ireland.

For those with an interest in history here is the story of Sir George Colebrooke, the crisis in the East India Company in the 1770’s and the bail out from the government; who then needed to increase the taxes on those pesky colonials to help cover the costs.  So what happened next?

I keep trying to explain to people about the loss of the American colonies, just follow the money.

First, check out your investments.  Second, stock up on the necessities.

1 comment:

  1. Have already done both.
    On a quite different matter - listening to Radio 2 (on in another room) one could be forgiven for thinking one was living in a completely different universe. "News" ????? items.
