Thursday 17 October 2013

The Ayes Have It

As the lead story of the day seems to be about the Labour front bencher, Gloria de Piero, and the issue of photographs taken during her teenage years that are more revealing than her current expenses claims, this blog likes to keep up with trends.

There have been a number of comments around the web about this.  Without doubt the least kind are to be found on the Army Rumour Service. This might reflect the military mind.

My contribution to the debate is to publish the photograph of two topless strippers, above, in my determination to keep at the forefront of political observation.

It all makes more sense than either government energy policy or The Royal Charter on media control.


  1. I've just had a look at ARRSE and followed the link to the Telegraph. She's not a bad looking bit - at least for a British politician. A bit better looking and she could be Tory totty.

  2. Ah I remember Nitromors - horrible stuff when it was basically dichloromethane but it worked. Don't know what it is like now.
