Tuesday 16 April 2013


On Sunday we had family in Boston for a public event. 

So the news from yesterday, Monday, about the bomb attack was a shock more than a natural reaction to such a horrific occurrence. 

The Boston Marathon was not simply an American event, it was international and among the crowd and competitors would have been representatives of many nations and many beliefs. 

Nor was it an attack on the “authorities” or the armed forces.  It was an attack on ordinary people from around the world whose only ambition was to have a happy day.

One of those lost is an eight year old boy there to see his father run.  Others killed and seriously injured are all ordinary people doing ordinary things.

It is possible only to mourn those lost and think of the many others who have been injured.

What kind of mind or person can do these things in this way and why?

What kind of group can plan, support and rejoice in such a merciless assault?

1 comment:

  1. "What kind of mind or person can do these things in this way and why?"

    I'm just reading Theodore Dalrymple on human evil. His conclusion is that it's often a mystery. People can be appallingly evil.
