Monday 22 January 2018

Switching On Or Off

There has been a lot said about the Channel Bridge proposal of Boris Johnson, the headline grabber in chief of the Conservative Party. We have been here before.

In the issue of  "The Engineer" for 27 January 1893, page 85, there is an article discussing what would be required in a positive way. It suggests a bridge would be superior to a tunnel.

One of the requirements would be, quote, "a most comprehensive and elaborate system of illumination signals and foghorns", which perhaps brings us back to Boris.

Over on page 86 as the article continues at the bottom of the middle of the page are nine lines about a talk given to the Society of Arts given by Professor Fleming FRS on electrical currencies.

Whatever happened to electricity?

1 comment:

  1. “The Engineer" for 27 January 1893, page 85”

    Good to see you keeping abreast of current developments.
